Bodhi Health


 Overhaul your health, one simple step at a time.

Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture

I am a registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner with AHPRA and a member of AACMA.

I aim to provide every patient with a high quality and pain free experience of acupuncture.  

Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to promote health and prevent disease.

Chinese Acupuncture aims to improve your physical, mental and emotional health.

It does this by relaxing the nervous system, increasing organ function and understanding the link between physical and emotional health.

Acupuncture can be done on its own or in combination with other modalities such as massage, cupping and herbs.


Massage, Cupping & Acupuncture

Physical bodywork is important for patients needing a more musculoskeletal pain or stress related treatment.

I use Hawaiian and Chinese Massage styles to relax musculature, work out pain and deeply relax the body.

If needed, I use modern or traditional forms of cupping to help remove stubborn layers of muscular tension and physical stress.

This physical relaxation process helps your body meet acupuncture at an already deeply relaxed state.

Here acupuncture is more likely to be effective and you are likely to walk out feeling like you are on a cloud, and get the best night sleep you’ve had in ages. 


Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese Herbal formula is a powerful adjunct to your care.  These traditional powdered formulas are tailored to your individual Chinese Medical diagnosis. 

I predominantly prescribe Sun Herbal or KPC Herb formulas. These are high quality herbal companies providing traditional powdered or vegetable capsuled formulas. They are easy to take and easy to incorporate into your lifestyle.

In some cases Internal herbal medicine is actually the most important way to treat. 

Here herbs and acupuncture work synergistically to more powerfully recreate balance in the body. 

Having an accurate herbal formula on a regular basis feels good. 

It’s like having a daily support team to help overcome your health challenges. 

Top reasons people seek acupuncture in my clinic.

Musculoskeletal Pain

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There is more to pain than pain itself.

Most clients seeking musckuloskeltal pain treatment, expect results within 3-5 treatments. 

Pain can upset your energy levels, sleep and  mood.  So while the primary goal of your acupuncture treatment will be pain relief, other symptoms such as sleeplessness, fatigue and ‘the grumps’ may also be addressed during your care. 


Lower Back Pain

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Lower back pain often walks into the clinic with sciatica, leg pain or hip pain. 

The spine, the back and the pelvis are an intergrated whole. 

A lack in one area forces another to adapt and compensate. 

As such, for back pain patients we treat the back as a whole. 

Here a combination massage, cupping and acupuncture is likely to be useful.

Most patients expect results within 3-5 treatments. Some also choose ongoing maintenance care for prevention.   


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Sciatica can really hurt.

Often sciatica patients present with concurrent back pain.

Sciatica patients are often frustrated and stressed at their physical situation.

These people usually seek a 3-5 treatment protocol.

Here, a massage and cupping combination is useful.

Hold on to your seat though, sciatica can be a bucking bull. Things can temporarily get worse before better, as nerve pain and muscular tension settle down.

Try to keep treatment 1 and 2 close together.

Headaches & Migraines

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There are three causative aspect of headaches and migraines. 

1. Structural

2. Blood Flow

3. Stress

(d) all of the above. 

Chinese Medicine understands there are multiple ways headaches and migraines can occur on the body. 

We tailor your treatments to your individual diagnosis. There will be a reason you have headaches and migraines. Regular headaches and migraines are not normal and there are ways to stop them. 

Here acupuncture and herbs are often a strong combination. 

Mental & Emotional Health

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Chinese Medical Acupuncture points relate back to internal Organs, such as the liver, stomach, heart and kidneys. Hence, why we can place needles in the hands and feet to improve digestive, lung or liver function.

These Organs have a physical, mental and emotional role to play in our body.

The emotional role of an organ often reflects its physical role.

For instance lung function reflects a person’s ability to take in oxygen, to feel inspired and to let go of used, now unusable gases such as CO2.

In Chinese Medicine the lungs relate to sadness (a lack of inspiration), inspiration (Oxygen efficiency) and grief (an inability to let go that which is no longer life).

Understanding your Chinese Medical Organ health picture can help you understand your mind and emotions.

Regardless of what type of mental and emotional challenges you face, physical health is primary.

Undoing complex mental and emotional knots often starts with creating physical stability.

This is best done with lifestyle changes.

Luke uses a combination of acupuncture, herbs and holistic health management strategies, to help support patients overcome mental and emotional health challenges.




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The second most common symptom behind stress.

If you’re anxious, you are not alone.

Perhaps it’s a symptom of our society, our way of life.

In Chinese Medicine there are different ways to find yourself with an anxious heart.

Such as, shock, blood deficiency, fear in the heart, excessive exitement, insomnia, over stimulation and adrenal fatigue.

How you support yourself to walk out of anxiety is personal and will always be unique to you. Nobody else can do it for you.

Chinese Medicine does understand the heart and emotions well and can provide great support while you find your way through anxiety.

Here massage, acupuncture, herbs and individualy tailored lifestyle changes are useful.

Chinese Medicine can easily work in with other modalities as needed.




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Down… way down.

Being stuck in a hole is difficult.

Understanding your position and finding ways you want to move out of depression is important. This cannot be forced, rushed or done by somebody else for you.

Acupuncture is deeply calming and can move stagnation in the body, blood and emotions. Actually, acupuncture is all about change.

It’s ability to stimulate the para sympathetic nervous system can help you rest.

Deep rest can enable a fresh perspective and naturally encourage you get back in touch with how your body feels, how you feel, all without thinking too much.

In Chinese Medicine, mental and emotional stability is linked with physcial stability.

Hence, sleep, nutrition, diet and exercise are great ways to support yourself mentally and emotionally.

Chinese Medicine and acupuncture can help to reduce stress and lift Organ function, which can help ‘set your sail’ more towards physiological function and homeostasis.

Herbs can support your body on a daily basis and lifestyle changes can be chunked down into doable steps that matter to you.

Walking out of depression is not straight up easy, but it’s worth it. You are worth it.

Your potential is calling you, are you willing to walk towards it?




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Insomnia… No thank you.

One of the three pillars to managing your health, sleep is paramount to a good quality of life.

Every part of the body needs sleep to function well.

In sleep we go to our para sympathetic nervous system to rest, recover and rejuvinate.

In Chinese Medicine a good night’s sleep is said to be good for the soul.

There are different ways to become an insomniac.

Blood deficiency, stress, over thinking, kidney and adrenal fatugue, anxiety, a bad bed, spiritual issues are all reasons for a poor nights sleep.

Acupuncture aims to stimulate the para sympathetic nervous system and help the body rest and recouperate.

Many patients fall asleep on the table.

If you suffer from insomnia then having a bed time routine such as taking magnesium, stretching, meditating, and drinking a calming tea can be useful.

Acupunctrue and herbs are also a great support yourself.


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Stress, the silent killer.

Modern life comes with its stressors for better or worse.

I often sit across from patients who present with stress related health issues but claim not to be stressed, and I beleive them.

These people have often learned how to adapt and to mentally manage their stress.

Their body however, has not and they still present with physiological stress symptoms.

When trying to improve stress related health, it’s important to split stress into three parts:

Physical Stress – Doing heaps, often more than you and your body feel like.

Mental Stress – Being neurologically over stimulated, such as excessive computer or office style work.

Emotional Stress – Taking on board other peoples  drama and dysfunctional emotions.

Acupuncture is calming and when combined with lifestyle changes, can help reduce stress in your body, mind and spirit.


Fertility & Maternity Care

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Chinese Medicine has a long history of supporting women’s health.

Menstrual problems, fertility support and maternity care are all within the scope of an acupuncturist.

My interest in working with fertility is working with the person or couple as a whole.

IVF is a difficult and expensive process. Doing everything we can before going down that road is wise.

Male and female health affect fertility and sometimes it is the man needing to improve their health.

When trying to improve fertility it is important to reduce stress, increase Organ function and process your emotions.

There is obviously a part of fertility which is not up to us and is out of human control.

The best we can do is get you and your partner into an ideal position to fall pregnant.

This often involves improving your overall health.



Acupuncture is said to nourish the para sympathetic nervous system. Sleep, digestion and the reproductive organs function on this system.

Birthing requires ‘finding a cave,’ a dimly lit safe place, instinctively away from predators.

Relaxation in the last trimester of pregnancy is important.

Acupuncture can help you relax, reducing musculoskeletal pains, stress and readying your mental and emotional self.

Pregnancy and birth is a precious, intense and very important time to look after yourself.

Supporting women through this phase of life is a great use of acupuncture.

Teenage & Paediatric Care

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These formative years of life are often where we lay the foundations for years of health to come.

Enabling and helping a developing physiology grow easefully through to its potential, uninhibited by disease, is a profound way to support our youth.  

Chinese Medicine and Holistic Health can empower young people to be more comfortable in their bodies and more mentally and emotionally stable.

This encourages more functional growth and hopefully an increase in health now and in years to come. 

Luke often treats children using fine baby sized, colourful needles we call taps.

Obviously acupuncture is a bit for todlers and young children to come around to. But, when they are ready it can be a useful tool to empower their health.

Sometimes, the Chinese Medical diagnosis with lifestyle advice and or herbs is enough for children.

But yes, Acupuncture can help kids as it is a sensitive persons medicine, and children are sensitive.



Increased Well Being

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You can use acupuncture and Chinese medicine to simply improve the quality of your health and therefore the quality of your life.

Feeling good and functioning at a higher level is desirable for most people.

If you are a busy athlete, parent or corporate person, then acupuncture and Chinese medicine can be used to help support you to perform at those higher levels.

Kerwin Rae said it well, that when you are performing at high level and looking after your health, if you still crash, then you won’t fall as far or as hard, and getting up will be a lot quicker.

Knowing your unique balance and finding ways to empower your health, can help you perform at a higher level more sustainably.

Holistic Health Management

Lifestyle Advice

Understanding how to manage your health with lifestyle choices can be empowering. How you live has a daily and significant impact on your health.

I aim to work with you to provide lifestyle advice that actually suits you.  

The basics of holistic health management can be broken down into three areas:

Stillness – yin, the parasympathetic nervous system, rest, ‘down- time’

Cleanse – diet, digestion, nutrition, ‘the middle’

Movement – yang, the sympathetic nervous system, exercise, ‘get up and go’

I work with you to identify ways to bring higher levels of function into these three areas of your life. 

Here, we co create a health management plan that integrates your Chinese Medical diagnosis, your constitution and personality type, your life situation and your willingness for change.  

Dr Luke Paten

‘A gentle acupuncturist

Registered Acupuncturist 

I am an AHPRA registered Acupuncturist and a member of AACMA.

I have a bachelor degree in Health Science, Acupuncture. 

I am a qualified masseuse and have studied martial arts, yoga and Qi gong. 

My Aims are to provide an excellent standard of Chinese Medicine and holistic health care.

To communicate and work with my patients to provide a pain free Acupuncture experience, to demystify the health industry and to empower people to better manage their own health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

No, I aim to provide a pain free Acupuncture service. I do this by using smaller, finer needles where appropriate, working with your breath and coaching you through appropriate needle sensation.  

Can Kids get Acupuncture?

Yes, children of any age can receive Acupuncture. Here the Chinese Medical theory and lifestyle advice can be as valuable as the treatment. We use smaller colourful needles called taps, massage and non needle techniques such as massage and acupuncture point stimulators. I love working with young people especially teenagers. 

Can I get Health Fund rebates?

Yes, Acupuncture is now part of allied health and is a registered profession. I am registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency, AHPRA. I am also a member of the Australia Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association, AACMA. Most private health funds will rebate your Acupuncture treatment.  We are as of yet not part of the medicare or the DVA system unfortunately. 

How many times do I have to come?

I run an honest 3 or 5 visit trial for new patients. 3 once a week visits are usually enough to assess whether an acute short term condition is going to respond to acupuncture. Longer term chronic conditions sometimes require 5. That said you should know in 1 or 2 treatments whether you are getting traction with acupuncture. Maintenance acupuncture ranges from once a fortnight to monthly.  


Are there any side effects of Acupuncture? 

Acupuncture is predominantly side effect free and there are many side benefits to be felt. Most patients leave the clinic feeling much more relaxed and calm.

Common side effects of acupuncture are bruising, dizziness and a tiny drop of blood when the needle comes out. When working with the body there are always going to be unknown factors and outcomes. Some patients can experience  temporary discomfort after treatment but usually this is on their way to feeling better. 

 Serious side effects are very rare in Acupuncture and any concerns you have can be discussed at your initial visit.  

Do I have to have Massage and Cupping? Can I just have Acupuncture?

Your treatment is tailored in consultation with you. Massage, cupping, moxa, Acupuncture and herbs are all available.  Which combination of modalities suit your case will be dependent on your individual needs and diagnosis. 

Is Acupuncture the same as Dry Needling?

Yes and No… Dry Needling is a musculoskeletal only treatment based on a muscular response to robust cross fibre needling and trigger points. It is similar to Chinese Ah Shi Acupuncture for pain. 

Some practitioners are good with dry needling but many clients have reported that it is a painful experience. 

Chinese Acupuncture has a depth of Oriental Systemic theory and is often more gentle and inherently more holistic.  

Dry needling is often a two day course that qualified and unqualified health practitioners can do.  A Chinese Medical degree, however, takes 4-5 years, costs more than $65, 000 and involves thousands of hours of education, and clinical instruction.



Initial Consult – 1 hour – $120

Subsequent treatment – 1 hour – $110

Subsequent visit – 45 mins – $90

Chinese Herbal Formula – from $44

Discounts are available for children, seniors and students.

Anyone experiencing genuine financial hardship but still wanting treatment, can talk to Luke about alternative options.

You are the foremost expert of your health. You deserve to be listened to.

You are a Human Being. You have a body, a mind, emotions and a spiritual aspect. You are part of nature and part of the universe.


Acupuncture done well, won't hurt.

Good Health Feels Great.

Anger, frustration and irritability are stagnation needing to flow. They are neither good or bad, but on the way back to functional.

Functional emotional expression should be the aim. Let anger, frustration and irritability become assertion, courage and organisation.

The heart needs a good night sleep. Guard your sleep.

Destiny is how far your spirit will go in this physical life. Know your heart and keep moving.

Tears roll down your face to fall off your chin, and drop to heal your heart.


Focus, believe it or not is a digestive thing.

The Yi of Pi  (Spleen)

The spirit of the heart is beyond pathogenic influence. Although a loving heart needs guards.

Go back to nature. You will find your feet there, and in doing so remember your mother.

Lifestyle medicine may save your life, but also the quality of it.

Western Medicine is brilliant at emergency health. Not all of life is an emergency.

Sitting still doing nothing is often the most efficient way forward.

Many problems in life at their root are our own fault. It sometimes takes a while to see this.

If the problem is on your plate, then the universe thinks you can handle it.

Disease is often an accumulation of many small actions and choices. Health can be too.

The focus on dis - ease, non - ease and dysfunction have taken over the 'health' industry. Where are the ease experts?

You are the main mover and shaker of your health journey.

Build your better health, one simple step at a time.

Effectiveness is the measure of truth.


Contact Bodhi Health Acupuncture 

Servicing the Sunshine Coast – Buderim (4556) – Mountain Creek (4557) – Forest Glen (4556) – Kawana (4701) – Buddina (4575) – Maroochydore (4558) – Mooloolaba (4557) – Eumundi (4562) – Coolum (4573) – Yandina (4561) – Sippy Downs (4556) – GlenView (4553) – Wurtulla (4575) – Alexandra Headlands (4572)- Eudlo (4554) – Palmwoods (4555) – Marcoola (4564) – Mudjimba (4564) – Tanawha (4556) –  Minyama (4575) – Birtinya (4575) – Kunda Park (4556) Bli Bli – (4560)

0401 977 188

Bodhi Health Acupuncture

Mountain Creek

8 / 126 – 130 Golf Links Rd

Mounatina Creek Qld

07 54 44 0711