Luke Paten 

Chinese Medicine Practitioner

I first discovered Chinese Medical theory when I was 18 years old. The Chinese Organ theory and concepts sat well with me. In my twenties I studied Yoga Ghi Gung, Hawaiian massage and began studying Chinese Medicine at Victoria University in Melbourne. I loved Melbourne but eventually made the decision to finish my degree in Brisbane at Endeavour College of Natural Medicine.

I enjoy martial arts and have trained an Indonesian form of self defence, called Silat Perisai Diri for over a decade.    

My family came after I graduated and my wife and I now have four boys. 

I am by no means a perfect person and have made more than my fair share of mistakes in life. In doing so I have understood more about health, wellbeing and being proactive about creating health solutions. 

The older I get the more I am impressed with Chinese Medicine and its understanding of human health, particularly emotional wellbeing.

Chinese Medicine is just as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago and it holds fantastic answers for modern people.    


My Approach & Values


I aim to put you at the forefront of your own health.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are fantastic therapies to receive on your journey through to better health. They can help bring about balance and improved function physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

When it comes down to it, often small lifestyle habits and decisions that we make in the short term shape our future health.

I provide Chinese Acupuncture and herbal formulas. As well as massage, cupping and moxibustion as needed.

I also aim to provide individually tailored lifestyle advice to help you better manage your health.

Better quality health is a better quality of life.


Education / Experience

  • Bachelor Health Science Chinese Medicine Acupuncture
  • Cert IV Massage
  • Father of Four Wild boys
  • 10 years Martial Arts
  • Good and Bad times in the School of Life
  • Health Educator

You are the foremost expert on your health.

Your body is always doing its absolute best. Are you helping?

You are a living miracle, your body a masterpiece.

Health is simple. Can you let it be?

You are a Human Being. You have a body, mind, emotions and a Spiritual aspect.

You are part of Nature and part of the Universe.

Build your health one simple step at a time.

Courage, is knowing how to spit just the right amount of acid into hard to digest situations.

The Gall Bladder

Overwhelm - When you feel small and the world feels too big.

Kidney deficiency

Treat the mother, to treat the child.

Down and in, trumps up and out, most of the time.

Your dream of reality is important, as are you.

You can out run a bad mood.

Nature is healing, go often.

To love, is to be happy with.


Memory can be fickle, but understanding last a lifetime.

Just enough, is often the right amount.

Pondering is not a waste of time.

Luke acknowledges the ancestral owners of this land, the Gubbi Gubbi people.

He deeply admires their connection to nature, country and culture.

He pays his respect to elders, past, present and future.